SustainSuccess is a small consultancy with just two directly employed staff, but able to offer clients a comprehensive range of expertise through our extensive network of associate consultants, all of whom have worked with Niall in the past. This is Team SustainSuccess.
Niall Enright
Niall is the co-owner-director of SustainSuccess Ltd. He has over 30 year’s experience in Sustainability and Resource-efficiency consulting. Full detail’s of Niall’s experience are shown separately.
Jane Galloway
Jane is the other co-owner-director of SustainSuccess Ltd. She has over 35 year’s experience in Energy Efficiency. Full detail’s of Janes’s experience are shown separately.
As well as the two core employees, SustainSuccess regularly collaborates with other self-employed consultants:
Caroline Robertson-Brown
Caroline has over 20 year’s experience in energy and resource efficiency. She has in-depth expertise in management systems, monitoring and targeting, and the UK Carbon Reduction Commitment. Caroline has an MSc in Ecology and, in addition to her expertise in energy efficiency, is a scuba diver and an underwater photographer. Caroline has worked closely with SustainSuccess for many years delivering support to Peel Holding’s Carbon Desktop, ISO 50001 and Energy Management programmes.
Bob Bailey
Bob has over 40 year’s experience in energy management and renewable\low-carbon generation. He has worked with SustainSuccess on a number of projects such as Demand Side Response in the UK electricity markets and also delivered a range of training courses. Niall, Jane and Bob have worked together for over 30 years.
Richard Wise
Richard Wise is a very experienced Chartered Engineer, specialising in energy efficiency, but with a strong track record in water and waste minimisation as well. He had over 25 years experience working across the spectrum from heavy industry to healthcare and commercial property. He has an MSc from the prestigious Cranfield University and is a Member of the Institute of Energy. Niall and Richard have worked together on many projects where our management and technical skills complement each other very well.
Specialist Partners
In addition to the team above, SustainSuccess has a strong network of similar specialist consulting firms we collaborate with who are trusted partners we have worked with before and we know will deliver an outstanding result for clients:
For support on all aspects of Corporate Social Responsibility we would work closely with Barry Collins of Collins McHugh, a first-class firm who have an extensive track record and admirable reputation in this aspect of sustainability.
For aspects of environmental economics and ecosystems valuation we would bring in James Spurgeon of Sustain Value, who has over 20 years experience in this field and is the lead author for the World Business Council on Sustainable Development’s guidance on Corporate Ecosystem Valuation.
For everything to do with refrigeration, refrigerants and related policies (as well as more general energy management) Ray Gluckman at Gluckman Consulting is an acknowledged international expert.
Larger or more complex projects
Niall and Jane have held senior position in consulting firms ERM, Jacobs/SKM Enviros and RPS and we continue to work closely with these global leaders to this day. There could be a variety of reasons why SustainSuccess alone cannot meet a client’s brief: perhaps we lack some specialist expertise; or maybe our team are committed to other projects; or the client could require an overseas office; or the project is simply too large or complex for SustainSuccess to undertake alone. In these circumstances we can reach out to one of these larger firms and either refer a client to the appropriate partner or we may team up with them to contribute jointly to the project.
In all cases the objective will be to help our client source the highest quality services and the best talent available to address a specific requirement. At SustainSuccess we promise to put our clients needs ahead of all other considerations and will always seek to propose the best team for a project. After all our reputation is our only asset.