Supporting Manchester

While I consider myself a citizen of the world (having both a British and Irish passport and having been brought up in Spain with American step-dads among others), if pressed to identify with a location it would be the wonderful city of Manchester.

This is the city where my kids have been raised in excellent schools in a multi-cultural society with a Northern “can do”, “call a spade a spade”, “hello love” affability and down-to-earth pragmatism. This cradle of the industrial revolution is a wonderful, open-minded place well-connected to the wider world, happy to follow its own dreams and inspirations.

Tomorrow I am attending the Mayor of Greater Manchester’s – Andy Burnham – Green Summit (along with some 500 other interested folks, I hasten to add). In advance of the meeting I was asked to make a pledge on what I or my company could do to support the ambition to make Greater Manchester a leading Green City Region.

I decided that to commit to:

“Making available Niall Enright’s book ‘Energy and Resource Efficiency without the tears, the complete guide to adding value and sustaining change in an organization’ to any Manchester individual or organization free of charge as a PDF. This acclaimed, highly practical, 840-page book will support the Mayor and GMCA’s ambition for Manchester to realize world-class efficiency in its use of energy and resources.”

I appreciate that this book is already available to any interested person but for organisations in Greater Manchester I will also extend an offer to field a telephone call or email to help them put into practice any of the techniques and methods set out in the book. You see, I really do want Manchester to succeed and be an inspiration to others.

To get the PDF simply add it to the basket on this page and then checkout…



Our mission

To deliver outstanding results for customers and support best practices in our profession.

Energy and Resource Efficiency without the tears

Niall Enright’s book was published in June 2017 and last updated in September 2018.

To get the FREE PDF visit the download page.


To buy a print version of the book or order the companion files please visit our store.

If you appreciate the book and want to make a donation towards the publication costs (and support future publications),  click the link below. This is entirely optional!


Free Lighting Hours Tool

We were so frustrated at SustainSuccess with trying to find daylight hour tables for client locations that we wrote our own Excel/Google Maps/NOAA “mashup” to calculate lighting hours for any location on Earth! We are providing it FREE to fellow practitioners. Simply fill in this form and we’ll send you a download link.


Ideas and Challenges

Despite self-congratulatory case studies to the contrary, the reality is that Sustainability and Resource Efficiency are NOT EASY to implement successfully in organisations.

In a series of blogs, articles, book reviews, and extracts from Niall Enright's book you will find hints, tips and suggestions to make Sustainability a Success.

Contact SustainSuccess

P: +44 7812 519 965
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A:19 Harboro Road
    M33 5AF, UK

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January 2025
