Our planet is warming rapidly. If we are to avoid warming exceeding 1.5 °C, we need to urgently stop adding greenhouse gasses to the atmosphere and restore nature’s capacity to absorb CO2.
SustainSuccess are passionate about helping our clients and fellow practitioners take practical steps to avert climate disaster. We believe that there are things we can all do to manage the huge changes that climate change will bring and to add value to our organisations in the process.
Our advice is based on the latest science and our 30+ year’s experience helping organisations make the necessary changes. With the two owners both being Cambridge-educated scientists (one a Medic, one an Engineer), you can be sure that our analysis will be rigorous and science-based.
Honesty and integrity will also be at the heart of our advice. We won’t recommend “greenwashing” quick-fixes, like buying green electricity, or dubious offsets with poor credentials. Climate change is not the kind of problem we can ignore, talk away or delay – substantial action is needed and needed now.
SustainSuccess has practical experience in helping clients develop decarbonisation and Net Zero strategies, including meeting the requirements of the Science Based Targets institute. These are multi-decade commitments designed to enable an organisation’s decarbonisation pathway to meet or exceed the rate of decarbonisation needed to keep global warming under 1.5 °C.
Clients we have helped are in some of the most difficult sectors such as airports, ports and property, where there are substantial assets which run the risk of being stranded as a result of climate policies. We understand the “chicken and egg” challenges in these sectors where new technologies will be needed to enable the transition. We can help solve the difficulties in juggling day-to-day business as usual with the existential challenge of climate change.
The prize for organisations who have adopted a science-based approach to sustainability, as opposed to a marketing-based approach, is that risk is considerably better understood, the sources of value for the organisation become clearer, the key external stakeholders and events become visible and folks are clear about their roles and responsibilities.