SustainSuccess can now offer ESOS lead assessor services. The Energy Savings Opportunities Scheme is the UK implementation of the EU Energy Efficiency Directive, which requires large organisations to have a formal energy audit every four years, overseen by a certified assessor.
The rationale behind the regulations is that there are many cost-effective energy efficiency opportunities that are not being implemented simply because organisations are unaware that they exists. By mandating that the audit results are presented to senior management, the hope is that projects will receive support. As with all regulations, some organisations will adopt a “least cost to comply” approach, while others will see this as an opportunity to add value by carrying out audits that uncover value by employing expert auditors capable of identifying cost-effective opportunities. Needless to say SustainSuccess will be offering the latter approach.
It should be noted that there is an alternative approach to compliance by implementing an ISO 50001 certified energy management system, like the one SustainSuccess implemented at Peel Holdings.